Monday, April 1, 2013


 What is the "W" Visa?:

In a recent agreement made by the AFL-CIO, the "W" visa was put into motion in hopes to fill the United States "economic needs"(Johnson, 1). This would be a visa available to immigrants in low skilled jobs like construction, or domestic work and due to the amount of undocumented immigrants already being employed in these fields, it is important to give them legality. The visa states that all immigrant workers in possession of the "W" visa will receive the same pay as their American counterparts. Due to the large amount of immigrants already here doing these jobs as previously stated, the new visa would provide legal status to around 11 million undocumented immigrants. A solution such as this will be necessary in creating a comprehensive immigration reform.


  • Those who are Against the Visa-

    People who are not in favor of handing out work visas for low skilled jobs, are those referencing Americas current unemployment rate (national 7.7 percent). These individuals want the focus to be on the U.S. citizens who are currently out of work, belieivng that any of these people would be happy and willing to take a low skilled job instead of giving the position to an immigrant. 
  • Reliability- 

    There are also issues associated with the idea of the visas fluxuating based on the needs of the U.S. economy. This would require every departments numbers to be up to date and accurate. There would also need to be a decision made on who will have the ultimate say in the number of visas given out each year.
  • The Plan- 

    The year 2015- 20,000 undocumented workers would receive the visas
    The year 2019- 75,000 undocumented workers would receive the visas

    This is how many workers the government thinks the United States economy needs to continue to grow, the business sector says otherwise...

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